Important News!
Windows 10 Support Ending in 2025:
Microsoft will cease support for Windows 10 in October 2025.
While this post is focused on TEXA equipment, it could affect other devices you use, so being informed now could save you trouble later.
While many devices can upgrade to Windows 11 for free, older models may not meet the system requirements.
Product Upgrades to Windows 11
These products will be automatically
upgraded to Windows 11 free of charge over the coming months. Microsoft will manage this
upgrade directly.
- AXONE NEMO 2 Platforms:
TEXA is actively working on support for AXONE NEMO 2
platforms. These units will either receive an upgrade to Windows 11 or benefit from “LongTerm” security support from Microsoft. We are awaiting confirmation on this and will provide
further details.
- 1st Generation AXONE NEMO Units
The hardware and Windows licenses for the 1st generation AXONE NEMO units are not
compatible with a Windows 11 upgrade or “Long-Term” security support. We will be sending
out more information in the coming weeks regarding available options for these units.
Thank you for your attention to these updates. We are committed to keeping you informed
throughout this transition.
If you have concerns about your equipment, please contact Doug for assistance on 07469 855112 or email